Thursday, October 4, 2012

Don't Give Up!

Starting my day off with checking the ole email and scanning Facebook.....right when I open Facebook, staring me in the face is a photo of a friend, her husband, and their newly adopted daughter --absolutely beautiful picture!  It kinda made me sad though because I had decided last night that we probably won't adopt a child internationally, or maybe even not at all.  Yes, I feel defeated.  But, we don't meet the requirements to adopt from each country I turn to.  Then, as I scroll further down the page, I see

You will 

want to 

give up. 


And my friend who posted it, wrote above it, "If adoption is something you're called to do, Satan will throw every obstacle imaginable in your way. Don't give up. Your child is worth it!"  Is God sending us a message through her Facebook post ?  Maybe....Probably.  I can't agree with her more that our child is more than worth it.  And, it is very challenging.  Every time we turn a new direction we are met with a wall to climb over.  And, hey, what mother wouldn't be willing to climb ANY wall to get to her child.  So, today will be full of prayer and so will tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day and the next and so on.  He will continue to speak to me, so I'm going to turn down as many of life's distractions as possible so that I may hear Him when he speaks.

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