I know, I know....how can we possibly have more exciting news ?! Well, because God is AMAZING ! Not only did we finally get our final approval on our home study yesterday, but we also got a pre-approval to adopt a 2 year old boy. We are so thrilled, excited, and overjoyed at this! I know this gives people lots of questions. So, here's the deal:
When you adopt an older child, you obviously aren't able to make a baby book for the child. So, it is recommended that you make him/her a Lifebook. You gather as much information about their listing on the internet, the whole adoption process, the trip to go get him/her and you put it all in a book or binder. So, I went online to print a blog listing that had Faith listed so I could put it in her Lifebook. Well, to get to her listing, I had to go past many children and I saw this photo

So, any of you who know my husband, know that he constantly has his eyebrows wrinkled, just like this little boy (yes he's a boy, even though he's wearing pink ) So, that's the first thing I notice and I think I fell in love just by looking at this photo. Of course, then I click on the link to watch his video. Later, I show the photo and video to my husband, who instantly said, "He is just precious! How would we get him too?" I was temporarily in shock. I couldn't believe how instantly eager he was to make this little boy ours too. In my heart, I wanted nothing more, but needed to make sure it was the right decision. We talked a long time about adopting two versus one, and about their special needs, etc. Then, as we sat on the couch, I told him that if he is in the same province as Faith, that would mean no extra flights and no extra time spent in country. I felt like if they are in the same province, then it's meant to be. He agreed. So, I emailed the lady at the adoption agency and she sent his file. I was somewhat surprised and excited when I saw that not only is he in the same province, but he's also in the same city, in a different orphanage but only minutes from Faith's orphanage. I ran downstairs and told my husband. He said, "Then, I guess we're adopting him too. What do we need to do?"
This prompted an email to our home study social worker because now we had to have an additional short interview. We had to get approved to adopt more than one child, which we did. Then, we sent our request to China to adopt this sweet little guy, and one week later, we got the phone call. We have been pre-approved! He is ours!
We are SO excited! And, so in love with this little guy!